Marketing Strategies


We have created our poster to advertise to everyone. This has been our main source to explain what we are selling along with additional information that every customer would want to know. (price, size).
We also have posted this advertisement on Instagram for our customers to know more detail of our product.


Our main marketing strategy is based on Social Media. With the growth of the internet, the use of social media networks is also growing. Nowadays, it is very flexible and easy for customers to connect with the sellers. They simply can make an order from their gadget and they will receive their parcel within less than a week. As we all know, Social Media platforms and applications are the most useful tools for entrepreneurs to connect with potential customers.

The owner of this business have already created an Instagram account to promote her business. Which means, she has already own an existing potential customers that have connected through Instagram account. The Instagram account is called @homemadebyhanan. Our team and the owner have come to an agreement where we can use that account to promote her popia nestum with three different prices. Initially, she set a price of RM 20.00 per jar and with only one size. Meanwhile, for our entrepreneur project, we have agreed to promote to the customers with three different prices along with three different sizes. The customers will be able to order through direct message on Instagram.

Meanwhile on WhatsApp, we forwarded our poster to our friends and families, to introduce them our products. They can directly make an order from us through WhatsApp.

We also created a video to promote our product. This video is on our Instagram account and we have forwarded this video to our friends and families through WhatsApp to support our business.


  • Improved brand awareness
Social media will improve brand awareness as it will increase business visibility. It is the most stress-free marketing platforms that will enable our project to earn more brand recognition. For our business, we have decided to sell it based on trough social media and word of mouth. Social media was the only way for us to communicate with our customers. Despite of that, we also encouraged customers to give their opinions and review on our product and the price. This way we will know what to improve and enable us to find solution on how to improve it. 

  • Cost-effective
It is cost effective in terms of saving cost since social media is free for almost all platforms. Having social media helps the marketing strategy as our business is based on online. We are able to cut cost for advertising our products.
  • Engage with your customers
Social media is a good way for engaging and interacting customers. It allows us to communicate with our audience and able to know our customers interest and feedback on our products. Engaging with our customers will make them feel that they are the priority of our business. Hence, communication and engagement with our customers is the only way to win our customers’ attention and convey them our brand message.
  • Improved brand loyalty
Social media will improve brand loyalty as customers are able to find us and directly communicate with us about the product. It is important for us to keep posting on social media, as they will know that we are active and they will build a positive image of our business in their minds.


All of us have a responsibility to help those that are less fortunate and contribute to the common good. We had some discussion among the members and made some calculation of our income to identify the total amount of our profits. Then, we decided to donate 10% of our business profits to Darul Eslah Academy which is Rohingya refugee camp. We are trying to help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return. 


Product and Price

Basically, our main product is "Popia Nestum". There are several sizes with different prices such as figure below:

Promotion and Place

Currently we are more focusing on online business which are the best medium to sell our product because nowadays people spent more of their time on social media. Besides, we offer cash-on-delivery for those who nearby us and postage services. Usually, our customer prefer us to cash-on-delivery the product because they will get the item on time. So, they don't have to wait for few days for item to arrived. In addition, the discount will be given for those who interested if they buy more than 3 packs for each size. Most of the time, we will give our best price and services in order to fulfill our customer needs and wants.


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