Market Analysis


We have set our market segmentation based on our observation of which majority of consumer would buy our product. Our main target is mostly students, children and women. We have come up with six different segmentation that we can focuses on.

  • University Students: We focuses on selling to university/college students because we have many connections as we are students as well. It is easy for us to interact with them about our product and have them to support our business. 
  • Working Women: We set working women as our market segment because it is easy to attract them in buying our product.
  • First-time Buyers: First-time buyers also attracted with our product as we set our popia nestum at an affordable price accordingly to its sizes.

  • High School Students and Primary School Students: Based on our observation, students at the age of 10 – 18 years old are the ones that are likely to purchase our products. Usually kids at the age of 10 years old, they are starting to be brave to purchase any spend their money.

  • Snack Lover: We set snack lover as one of our target customers because popia nestum is considered as a snack. With affordable price that we provide, they are very likely to purchase our product.

Our main target is University Students. This is because we, ourselves are students and we have many friends who we can reach out to support our project. Besides that, University Students are our potential permanent customers as we meet them everyday and we can easily ask for their views on what needs to be improved and what are they happy about our product. 




Understanding consumer behavior is important for all companies, especially before the launch of a product or service. If the company fails to read the customer’s mind, it may end up in losses. Before we launch our product, we've asked several potential customers of Popia Nestum for their point of view on our product in terms of pricing, the taste or packaging. We want to ensure that we are making profit and we deliver goods that will satisfy our customers. We have asked many of our friends' review on our upcoming product and what are the main things that they're looking forward to. Majority of them would love to buy our product since it is a snack food and can be eaten while studying or in between classes.  Based on our pie chart below, 90% says that they would definitely purchase our product while 10% says depends. By depends meaning it all depends on our packaging and the price. As a consumers, we know people will always prefer to buy product that is cheap. Pricing strategies is very important. Which is why for our product, we want to make it as affordable as possible and have three different sizes instead of one. We want to give our customers options to buy instead of just one size. 
90% - YES


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