
Entrepreneurship means the process to identify or start a new business venture with the available resources and ready to take risks and rewards both related to business. An entrepreneur is a person who is independent and wants to start something new with an innovative idea and skills and make business run successful.

However, in this assignment that Mdm Syaida had given us – My colleagues and I have started up a “Popia Nestum” business with an innovative idea to growth of the business around Malaysia. In this report is to provide an understanding of how marketing, research and planning are used in this product. By doing this assignment not only earns profitability but also gaining experiences, information, awareness, services and etc.

HOMEMADEBYHANAN is a company that promote and sell our main famous scrumptious POPIA NESTUM. Our Popia Nestum came freshly cook from home and our own recipe which targeted is household and various type of people. As we know, nowadays Popia Nestum are not quite popular among teenagers but through unheralded user’s we believe HOMEMADEBYHANAN will slowly and surely have its own potential gain trust at market share and give savory that will create long term bonding within family and friends.

Furthermore, we believe our delicious Popia Nestum will attract tourists too due to our simple handmade recipe and easy to prepare that will surely save time and energy. For instance, workaholic people they could save their time by eating out instant Popia Nestum while watching TV or driving to prevent from falling asleep. 

We also believe our HOMEMADEBYHANAN can compete with others competitors because we have our own credibility to produce our own Popia Nestum that will attract people by using our own recipe. Lastly, we always ensure that our Popia Nestum always in demand and are produced with quality and efficiently ways.
